Configuration Guides
Build product lines, workflows, and business logic that gives your company the edge.
Enable Your Business to Move Fast
Configuration is possibly the most essential skillset developers should master to be proficient with Guidewire. Configuration enables developers to extend the base functionality of Guidewire to meet business requirements for product lines, workflows and rules, globalization, and more. Ultimately configuration of Guidewire core systems plays a crucial role in enabling P&C insurers to differentiate their offerings and grow efficiently. As a Guidewire configuration developer, you will have access to a variety of low-code business friendly tooling, as well as more flexible and extensible tools that allow you to meet business requirements virtually without limitation.
A perfect fit for insurers
Guidewire offers two distinct core systems for P&C insurers in order to meet the unique needs of the P&C industry. InsuranceSuite is the most widely used P&C core system in the world and is available as a cloud service via Guidewire Cloud, or as a self-managed application. InsuranceNow is purpose-built for insurers with limited IT resources that need a core system that increases agility without adding complexity. Both core platforms offer extensive configuration capabilities. Developers building a career as a Guidewire developer can easily learn both applications, or focus on a specific core depending on client or employer needs.
Guidewire InsuranceSuite Configuration
Guidewire InsuranceSuite is the most flexible and extensible P&C core platform available. As a Guidewire developer, you will be able to configure InsuranceSuite to meet any business requirement no matter the complexity. Additionally, Guidewire publishes and regularly updates a comprehensive library of Guidewire Cloud Standards for Developers to assist you in meeting those requirements using best-practice configuration principles.
What you can configure
Application configuration files determine virtually every aspect of the BillingCenter, ClaimCenter, and PolicyCenter applications, including:
- Extending the data model – Add fields to entities, or create new entities altogether
- Changing or augmenting the application – Build new views, create field validations, and more
- Modifying the user interface – Change look and feel, colors, fonts, even add new screens or modify existing screens
- Implementing security policies – Customize permissions and security in XML
- Creating business rules and processes – Create customized business-specific rules for validation, work assignment, performing tasks and more
- Integration with external systems – Integrate data with external systems
- Defining workflows – Create new workflows, create new workflow types, and attach entities to workflows as context entities
- And more…
Each application within InsuranceSuite includes a comprehensive guide covering all aspects of configuration from workstation setup to testing and implementing. Choose which application you’d like to learn more about below.
Advanced Product Designer
Advanced Product Designer is a no-code business tool that helps you design, simulate and deploy an insurance product.
With Advanced Product Designer, you can:
- Define an insurance product, including coverages, exclusions, conditions, risk details, and other attributes
- View the product in PolicyCenter and create a policy submission
You can prototype insurance products in mind maps created in Advanced Product Designer. You import the mind map into PolicyCenter, creating a visualized product. In the visualized product, you can create submissions and other policy transactions and navigate through the product screens.
The project team works iteratively on the product definition, making changes to the mind map, and importing those changes to the visualized product. In PolicyCenter, you modify and enhance the visualized product. When the visualized product is complete, you can generate the product. The generated product includes entities, and product model and user interface elements that can be further customized using Product Designer and Guidewire Studio, and RESTful system API endpoints that can be used with the InsuranceSuite Cloud API.
Guidewire InsuranceNow Configuration
InsuranceNow enables configuration of a variety of capabilities across the core via GUI tools like InsuranceNow Studio, as well as through code-based configuration in XML for added flexibility and extensibility. With InsuranceNow, you can make changes to:
- Quoting
- Policies
- Service portal
- Payments
- Claims
- Billing
- Operations
- Data service
- Data reports
- Commissions
- Security
- User interface
- And more…
To get started learning how to configure InsuranceNow, read the configuration guide included with InsuranceNow. This guide covers every aspect of configuration for InsuranceNow.
Configuration Training
Guidewire Education offers courses specifically for developers to learn how to configure the InsuranceSuite applications to meet business requirements and drive new innovations into your company. Courses are offered for BillingCenter, ClaimCenter, and PolicyCenter respectively.
Additionally, Guidewire Education offers a complete course path for developers interested in achieving a variety of developer certifications for Guidewire integration including Certified Associate, Certified Specialist, Certified Professional, and Certified Ace.