Advanced Product Designer

Design, simulate, and deploy insurance products faster than ever.

Slow product development frustrates insurers

Building and deploying a new insurance product can be a lengthy, cumbersome process between business stakeholders and development teams. After your product is live, making changes to respond to market needs presents its own set of challenges and time constraints. Many insurers feel stuck with a product development process that falls behind the pace of market demands and opens the door for more agile competitors.

Launch and update products quickly with Advanced Product Designer

The Advanced Product Designer Application (APD App) is a cloud-native application that speeds up product design and management across the Guidewire ecosystem. With the APD App customers can:

  • Accelerate product development using product visualization tools, prebuilt product content, and autogenerated product code
  • Personalize insurance products to meet market demands across jurisdictions, coverages, brands, and sales channels
  • Maximize efficiency by creating one source of product metadata and API endpoints that keep your integrations and digital experiences in sync with product changes

See APD in action

  • リスク選択と保険料設定の最適化

    • 社内、社外、サードパーティー、協力会社のデータを使用し、損害率を悪化させるリスク要因を予測します。
    • 従来の GLM/GAM の保険料設定手法を最先端のモデリングで補強し、保険料計算を改善します。
    • アクチュアリーによる市況に応じた価格の調整、保険料率の自動更新が可能になります。
  • 収益性の高い顧客の維持

    • データ主導のインサイトとリアルタイムの監視で、解約リスクを低減します。
    • 保険契約のライフサイクルを通して、適時適切なチャネルを使用した顧客対応を可能にします。
    • クロスセル・アップセルの機会を強化し、ビジネスの成長を加速します。
  • Deploy

    Speed up time to market with auto-generated artifacts, including UI elements, product model, and entities ready to install.
  • Adapt

    Rapidly respond to market changes with customized products, with no system downtime.

We understand your need for speed

With over 500 customers in the P&C industry, Guidewire has seen the development of thousands of insurance products first-hand. We understand the need to quickly launch products that can adapt to ever-evolving market needs. We built the APD App as a cloud-native application to be a game changer for our customers and partners.

We just told our business leads to tell us what they want and then we could build it.

Kurt Markus

Product Manager, Mountain West Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company

With APD, Mountain West took only eight weeks to redesign their entire book of business for personal lines, which included auto, property, umbrella, inland marine, and personal and farm liability.

Related Information

Start building products with the APD App

Ready to start building products with the Advanced Product Designer application? View our resources below to read documentation, kickstart your development, and enroll in guided training.

Read the APD App Guide

Read detailed Guidewire Documentation (login required) on how to use the APD Application, from your initial system settings to finalizing and generating your product code.

Note: If you use self-managed version 10 of InsuranceSuite, you can visit our Documentation site (login required) to learn how to use Advanced Product Designer in PolicyCenter without the additional benefits of Guidewire Cloud.

Kickstart Development with GO Products

The Guidewire Marketplace has more than 45 GO Products that provide APD mindmaps and templates you can use to define and develop products for a variety of lines of business and local markets.

Increase Your Skills with Guidewire Education

This course focuses on creating a new ‘Simple Small Business’ product, right from documenting and modeling the business requirements to auto-generating the product code.

To enroll in the course, you must be logged in to Guidewire Education.

Empower creators with product definition and lifecycle management

The APD App is at the heart of product definition and lifecycle management (PDLM), ensuring a true insurance product-driven development experience. PDLM empowers content creators and insurers to rapidly design and update insurance products to adapt to market demands.

The APD App is a standalone application for insurance product management across the Guidewire application ecosystem. The application is designed for a business focused experience with numerous insurance-specific capabilities, including quick versioning with editions, variations by jurisdictions, enhanced product model properties and rules, product model element tags to enhance usability, and API access to product metadata.

Lifecycle Manager (also known as Workset Manager) provides the ability to promote and deploy configurations created with apps, such as APD and Cloud Rules, with confidence and with no down time — a key benefit of Guidewire Cloud. Customers can expect more visibility into deployments containing microservice configurations and consistent lifecycle management for all configuration apps.

Guidewire GO Products on the Guidewire Marketplace provide line-of-business content as a starting point for carriers on their Guidewire implementation. Guidewire GO products exist across personal lines, including personal auto, homeowners, umbrella, dwelling property, UK motor, and more. Commercial lines include agricultural, commercial inland marine, business owners, and more.

We can’t wait for our customers to start building with APD and discover the future of Guidewire product design and management.

Transition existing lines of business

We recommend that all new products are created in the APD App. But what should you do with an existing line of business (LOB) that wasn’t created with the APD App?

In order to utilize powerful capabilities available on Guidewire Cloud, you will need to create LOB-specific Cloud API endpoints based on your existing LOB. You can use this approach for a base configuration product, a product installed from a Standards Based Template (SBT), or a product created in Product Designer.

To learn more about generating and installing LOB-specific endpoints, read our Cloud API Developer Guide on Guidewire Documentation.

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