Integration Framework

Learn how to connect any application to and from Guidewire with the Cloud Integration Framework.

Integrations Should Be Easy to Build, Connect, and Maintain

The average P&C insurer’s core system includes several dozen integrations to critical business systems. If you’ve spent time building, testing, or deploying integrations, you’ve likely encountered one or more of these common challenges:

  • Complexity: Integrations are one of the hardest parts of any deployment because of the number, variety, and inconsistency of protocols, workflows, and file formats.
  • Intertwined logic: Your core system’s code includes both integration logic and functional logic.
  • Deployment impact: Your core system must be redeployed anytime the integration logic changes.
"Across the industry it’s common for insurers, depending on the complexity of their environment, to have up to 150 policy, billing, and claims integrations that connect their custom internal systems as well as third-party supported technologies."

Karen Furtado

Partner, Strategy Meets Action

Simplify App Integrations with the Cloud Integration Framework

With cloud solutions and open APIs, developers can now easily connect their core systems with internal legacy systems and downstream apps to extend functionality. The Guidewire Cloud Integration Framework enables developers to implement integrations between InsuranceSuite and third-party apps using multiple APIs, messaging systems, or protocols.

  • Ottimizza la selezione dei rischi e il pricing

    • Utilizza dati interni, esterni, terzi e cooperativi per prevedere i fattori di rischio che peggiorano i tassi di perdita.
    • Migliora il grado di sofisticazione del rating aumentando le tradizionali tecniche di pricing GLM/GAM con una modellazione all’avanguardia.
    • Consenti agli attuari di adattare i prezzi alle condizioni di mercato e di aggiornare automaticamente i tassi.
  • Trattieni i clienti redditizi

    • Riduci il rischio di abbandono con insight basati sui dati e con il monitoraggio in tempo reale.
    • Interagisci con i clienti per tutta la durata della polizza tramite il giusto canale e al momento giusto.
    • Accelera la crescita con più attività di cross-selling e up-selling.
  • Trattieni i clienti redditizi

    • Riduci il rischio di abbandono con insight basati sui dati e con il monitoraggio in tempo reale.
    • Interagisci con i clienti per tutta la durata della polizza tramite il giusto canale e al momento giusto.
    • Accelera la crescita con più attività di cross-selling e up-selling.

How It Works

  • Ottimizza la selezione dei rischi e il pricing

    • Utilizza dati interni, esterni, terzi e cooperativi per prevedere i fattori di rischio che peggiorano i tassi di perdita.
    • Migliora il grado di sofisticazione del rating aumentando le tradizionali tecniche di pricing GLM/GAM con una modellazione all’avanguardia.
    • Consenti agli attuari di adattare i prezzi alle condizioni di mercato e di aggiornare automaticamente i tassi.
  • Trattieni i clienti redditizi

    • Riduci il rischio di abbandono con insight basati sui dati e con il monitoraggio in tempo reale.
    • Interagisci con i clienti per tutta la durata della polizza tramite il giusto canale e al momento giusto.
    • Accelera la crescita con più attività di cross-selling e up-selling.
  • Trattieni i clienti redditizi

    • Riduci il rischio di abbandono con insight basati sui dati e con il monitoraggio in tempo reale.
    • Interagisci con i clienti per tutta la durata della polizza tramite il giusto canale e al momento giusto.
    • Accelera la crescita con più attività di cross-selling e up-selling.

Related Information

Getting Started

If you’re ready to get started with Guidewire integrations, you can either use a prebuilt integration or custom-build your own solution.

Use a Prebuilt Integration

The Guidewire Marketplace offers more than 430 apps – including 175+ partner apps developed by 160+ Solution partners. For many of the most common integrations, the Guidewire Marketplace may offer a prebuilt integration to reduce your development efforts and increase speed-to-market.

Note: Want to build an app and get it listed in the Guidewire Marketplace? Review the steps provided in this post to learn how to partner with Guidewire and get your app listed.

Build Your Own Integration

You can use the Integration Gateway user interface to create and manage integrations on Guidewire Cloud. Read our step-by-step documentation to learn the architecture, integration patterns, development guidelines, and best practices (login required).

Integration Gateway is available for Guidewire Cloud only. If you use a self-managed version of InsuranceSuite, you can visit our Documentation site to learn how to build integrations for the version you’re running.

Integration Developer Training

Want to improve your skills as an integration developer? The Guidewire Education team has a variety of courses that will help you build knowledge and demonstrate skills that reflect increasing levels of competency.

InsuranceSuite Cloud Integration Basics

Do you want to perform successful integrations on Guidewire Cloud? To do this, integration developers and support engineers need to understand the basics of Guidewire products, REST APIs, authentication, file handling, and batch processes. This course provides a starting point for these basics in order to help ensure your future success, and is available for free in Guidewire Documentation.

Integration Gateway Course

This four-hour online course provides an overview of Integration Gateway on Guidewire Cloud. To achieve the course objectives, you should have taken the ClaimCenter System API and Developing with Guidewire Cloud courses and have a working knowledge of Apache Camel. After completing this course, you’ll be able to:

  • Describe the capabilities and benefits of Integration Gateway in Guidewire Cloud
  • Describe the development and deployment lifecycle
  • Create and test a route using Camel in an Integration Gateway app
  • Create an SQS queue using the Integration Apps – Configuration UI and use the queue in an Integration Gateway app

To enroll in the course, you must be logged in to the Guidewire Education portal. Click here to enroll today.

Watch the 9-minute first lesson for free:


To enroll in the course, you must be logged in to the Guidewire Education portal.

Get Certified as a Guidewire Integration Developer

Additionally, Guidewire Education offers a complete course path for developers interested in earning certifications for InsuranceSuite Guidewire Integration, including Certified Associate, Certified Specialist, Certified Professional, and Certified Ace.

To learn more about Guidewire’s certification paths for developers, visit our Education site or send additional questions to


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