Guidewire All-Stars

Guidewire All-Stars

The Guidewire customer and partner ecosystem is the largest in P&C insurance, driving successful outcomes at leading insurers globally. The Guidewire All-Star program recognizes individual champions within the Guidewire customer community for the outstanding transformation and results they’re creating within their businesses.

Guidewire All-Stars are individuals involved in Guidewire initiatives or everyday work that is impacting the culture or other business outcomes. Recipients are primarily end users of Guidewire products, such as customer service representatives, billing analysts, in-house or captive agents, claims managers, adjusters, underwriters, and actuaries. Want to learn more about last year’s winners? See the list here! 

Nominations are now closed. The 2024 All-Stars will be notified in August, announced in November, and recognized at Connections. Register for Connections today!

All-Star Rules and Recognition

Submission Rules

  • Only individuals from Guidewire customers will be considered.
  • Guidewire partners can nominate an individual from a Guidewire customer.
  • Nominations from Guidewire employees will not be accepted.
  • Nominators can submit one nominee.
  • Up to three individuals from a single Guidewire customer will be considered for recognition.
  • Past winners will be considered for repeat consideration.


  • All-Stars will be presented with an amazing All-Star jacket.
  • Guidewire will provide All-Stars with an icon and approved copy for social media use.
  • All-Stars will receive a discounted registration rate to Guidewire Connections and a shout-out from the main stage.
  • All-Stars will be recognized via an individually dedicated social post on Guidewire’s social media outlets.

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